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When does child support end in Georgia?

On Behalf of | Dec 19, 2024 | Child Custody / Child Support, Child Support |

After parents end their relationship, child support can be a significant part of their finances for many years. However, these support payments are generally not a permanent part of their lives. Whether you are in the process of creating a child support agreement or are looking towards the end of your obligations, here is what you need to know.

How long do you need to pay child support?

In Georgia, the law typically requires that child support payments continue until the child reaches the age of 18. At this age, children become legal adults.

However, there are several scenarios where child support payments may last beyond age 18:

  • Child support may last until the child leaves high school: In some cases, a child may reach the age of majority while still attending high school. In this case, paying parents must provide child support until they leave high school or reach the age of 20, whichever comes first.
  • Child support may end if the child marries: If a child marries before they reach the age of majority, their parent’s obligation to financially support them ends.
  • Child support may end if the child becomes emancipated: If a child becomes an emancipated minor, financial support is no longer their parent’s responsibility.
  • Child support may be a long-term responsibility when children have special needs: If a child has a disability that prevents them from living independently, child support may continue indefinitely.

Ultimately, the goal of child support is to ensure the well-being and proper development of children. Understanding when this obligation ends is an important way for parents to make sound financial decisions while supporting their child’s needs.